Check out our current studies!
You can meet us in lab with our in person studies!

Animal Jumble
Babies have varying experience with animals — from experiences in the park, zoo, on television, or even in their own home! We are interested in whether babies with pets in their home look at, and therefore, learn about animals differently than babies without pets. What animal do you think will end up being the king of the jumble?


Scene Memory
Infants are born into a visually complex, stimulus-rich world. Across the first year of life, infants learn to direct their attention to the parts of their environments that are meaningful and relevant to their goals. In this study, we examine how infants visually explore naturalistic scenes and then test whether they demonstrate memory for objects within the scenes.

Visual Acuity
A classic approach for assessing infant vision sensitivity is to measure their ability to resolve fine details using square wave gratings. Black and white stripes are shown to your infant and if they can see the stripes of the grating, they should prefer to look to them. We are investigating whether an eye tracking procedure is comparable to more commonly used Teller Acuity Cards. Watch the video below for more information

Infant Scene Perception
Infants are born into a visually complex, stimulus-rich world. Across the first year of life, infants learn to direct their attention to the parts of their environments that are meaningful and relevant to their goals. In this study, we examine how infants' knowledge of things such as people, objects, places, and animals guides infants' attention to different parts of scenes.
Or you can now participate from home with our online studies!
We are not currently running any online studies at this time, but if you still want to participate with other labs you can find studies for your child on Lookit.